Sort user defined objects in TreeSet (using Comparable)

  • Elements in TreeSet are ordered using natural order or Comparator/Comparable interface.
  • In case of user defined objects or POJO, POJO needs to implement Comparable interface to sort objects.
  • TreeSet will invoke the compareTo method of POJO, to sort POJOs (contained in TreeSet)
  • We have already discussed to sort user defined objects using Comparator interface.

Example – Sort Car POJO contained in TreeSet

TreeSet is containing Car objects. Car class has following attributes.

  • public String model
  • public String owner
  • public String registerCity
  • public LocalDate serviceDate
  • Car class will implements Comparable interface.
    • Car class will override compareTo method (to achieve sorting).
    • Car objects will be sorted by model.

Program – Sort user defined objects contained in TreeSet

package org.learn.collection.set.tset;

import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.Month;
import java.util.TreeSet;

class Car implements Comparable<Car>{
 public String model; 
 public String owner;
 public String registerCity;
 public LocalDate serviceDate;

 public Car(String model,String owner, String registerCity, LocalDate serviceDate) {
  this.model = model;
  this.serviceDate = serviceDate;
  this.owner = owner;
  this.registerCity = registerCity;

 public String toString() {
   return String.format("\n[Model:%s,Owner:%s,registeredCity:%s,ServiceDate:%s]", 

 public int compareTo(Car car) {
  return this.model.compareTo(car.model);

public class DemoTreeSetComparable {

 public static void main(String[] args) {
  TreeSet<Car> carList = new TreeSet<Car>();
  carList.add(new Car("S-Class", "Guzan", "NewYork", LocalDate.of(2014, Month.AUGUST, 01)));
  carList.add(new Car("C-Class", "Bedoya", "California", LocalDate.of(2009, Month.DECEMBER, 05)));
  carList.add(new Car("A-Class", "Cameron", "Illinois", LocalDate.of(2014, Month.JULY, 25)));
  carList.add(new Car("SL-Class", "Johnson", "Kansas" ,LocalDate.of(2011, Month.DECEMBER, 10)));
  System.out.println("Sorted car objects by Model:\n"+ carList);    

Output – Sort user defined objects contained in TreeSet

Sorted car objects by Model:
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