Print ancestors of node in a binary tree (java/ recursive/ examples)

  • Given a binary tree, print ancestors of given node using depth first search recursive algorithm
    • We will traverse the binary tree using recursive preOrder traversal.
    • Print all nodes which we have visited, to reach a given node.
    • We will discuss the algorithm with couple of examples.
  • The algorithm is quite similar to finding a least or lowest common ancestor in a binary tree.
Fig 1: Ancestors of node in binary tree

Given input node and its corresponding ancestor nodes are shown in a table.

S. No.Input Node Ancestors
1B A (60 )
2D or E A B (60, 50)
3C A (60)
4F or G A C (60, 90)

Example 1:  Print ancestor of node E (80) in a binary tree using java

We will use pre order traversal to traverse the binary tree.

parent nodes recursive algorithm
Fig 2: Ancestor of Node E in a binary tree
  • Visit Root Node A (60) (Refer Fig 2)
  • Compare the data of node A with input node (80)
    • 60 == 80 ?, its not equal, traverse left & right subtree.
  • Visit left subtree of Node A
    • Compare the data of root B (50) with 80
      • It does not match, traverse its child nodes
    • Visit Left child of Node B (i.e.Node D)
      • Compare the data of node D (25) with 80
        • It does not match, traverse its child nodes
        • return false
    • Visit right child of B (i.e.Node E)
      • Compare the data of root E (80) with 80
        • Found the node & return true.
  • Once we got true from subtree, we will print all ancestors of given node.

Example 2:  Print ancestor of Node G (45) in a binary tree using java

We will analyze the binary tree shown in Fig 3. We will search the node in a binary tree and will print all nodes which we have visited during traversal. The algorithm is quite similar to example 1 algorithm.

ancestors given node binary tree
Fig 3: Ancestor of Node G in a binary tree

Time complexity of algorithm is O(n).

Program – print ancestor of given node in binary tree (java/ recursive)

1.) PrintAncestorOfNode Class:

  • PrintAncestorOfNode class is responsible for printing ancestors of a given node.
  • Traverse the binary tree using depth first search recursive algorithm.
package org.learn.Question;
public class PrintAncestorOfNode {
    public static boolean printAncestorOfNode(Node root, int data) {
        if(null == root) {
            return false;
        //we found the node
        if( == data) {
            return true;
        boolean bFoundOnLeft = printAncestorOfNode(root.left,data);
        if(bFoundOnLeft) {
            System.out.printf("%d ",;
            return bFoundOnLeft;
        boolean bFoundOnRight = printAncestorOfNode(root.right,data);
        if(bFoundOnRight) {
            System.out.printf("%d ",;
            return bFoundOnRight;
        return false;

2.) Node Class:

  • Node class is representing the nodes of a binary tree.
package org.learn.Question;
public class Node {
    public int data;
    public Node left;
    public Node right;
    public Node(int num) { = num;
        this.left = null;
        this.right = null;
    public Node() {
        this.left = null;
        this.right = null;
    public static Node createNode(int number) {
        return new Node(number);

3.) App Class: 

  • We are creating the binary tree in main method.
  • We are calling method of PrintAncestorOfNode class, to print ancestors of a given input node.
package org.learn.Client;
import org.learn.Question.Node;
import org.learn.Question.PrintAncestorOfNode;
public class App {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // root level 0
        Node A = Node.createNode(60);
        // Level 1
        Node B = Node.createNode(50);
        Node C = Node.createNode(90);
        // Level 2
        Node D = Node.createNode(25);
        Node E = Node.createNode(80);
        Node F = Node.createNode(75);
        Node G = Node.createNode(45);
        // connect Level 0 and 1
        A.left = B;
        A.right = C;
        // connect level 1 and level 2
        B.left = D;
        B.right = E;
        C.left = F;
        C.right = G;
        int iNode = 50;
        System.out.printf("Ancestor of Node %d is : \n", iNode);
        PrintAncestorOfNode.printAncestorOfNode(A, iNode);
        iNode = 45;
        System.out.printf("\nAncestor of Node %d is : \n", iNode);
        PrintAncestorOfNode.printAncestorOfNode(A, iNode);
        iNode = 25;
        System.out.printf("\nAncestor of Node %d is : \n", iNode);
        PrintAncestorOfNode.printAncestorOfNode(A, iNode);

Output – ancestor of given node using recursive algorithm in java

Ancestor of Node 50 is :
Ancestor of Node 45 is :
90 60
Ancestor of Node 25 is :
50 60

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