Iterate or loop LinkedHashSet collection of String objects (java8/example)
Given the LinkedHashSet collection of String Objects in java.
Iterate through the LinkedHashSet collection using java 8 stream. We will demonstrate couple of methods to loop through LinkHashSet in java.
Iterate through using LinkedHashSet’s Iterator.
Loop through LinkedHashSet using Java 8 forEach (Lambda Streams).
LinkedHashSet maintains the Insertion order of elements using LinkedList
LinkedHashSet is UnSynchronized and not thread safe.
Iterator of LinkedHashSet is fail-fast.
Iterator will throw ConcurrentModificationException, if LinkedHashSet modified at any time after the iterator is created, in any way except through the iterator’s own remove method.
LinkedHashSet offers constant time performance for the basic operations like add, remove, contains and size.
1. LinkedHashSet collection class hierarchy:
2. Iterate LinkedHashSet of string objects – java 8 streams