Implement two stacks using single array in java (example)

  • Given an array of integers in java.
    • Create two stacks using single array.
  • We shall able to perform push & pop operations on both stacks.
  • We will create two stacks i.e. stack1 and stack2.
    • stack1 will have following methods.
      • push1 method: push1 method will insert the element to stack1
      • pop1 method: pop1 method will remove the top element from stack1.
    • stack2 will have following methods.
      • push2 method: push2 method will insert the element to stack2.
      • pop2 method: pop2 method will remove the top element from stack2.

Example – Implement two stacks using single array in java

1.) Initial state of array (Fig 1)

  • We will take couple of indexes i.e.top1 & top2 representing top of stack1 and stack2 respectively.
  • top1 = -1 and top2 = size of array. (initial state of indexes).
implement two stack array
Fig 1: Stack’s top i.e. top1 and top2

2.) Push elements to stack1 (Fig 2)

  • Push element 5 to stack1.
    • top1 index will be increment and top1 will start pointing to zeroth index of array.
    • At zero index, the element 5 will be set i.e. arr[0] = 5
  • Push element 4 to stack1.
    • top1 index will be increment and top1 will start pointing to first index of array.
    • At first index, the element 4 will be set i.e. arr[1] = 4
push element stack
Fig 2: Push elements to stack1 (increment top1)

3.) Push elements to stack2 (Fig 3)

  • Push element 3 to stack2.
    • top2 index will be decremented and top2 will start pointing to seventh index of array.
    • At seventh index, the element 3 will be set i.e. arr[7] = 3.
  • Push element 2 to stack2.
    • top2 index will be decremented and top2 will start pointing to sixth index of array.
    • At sixth index, the element 2 will be set i.e. arr[6] = 2.
Fig 3: Push elements to stack2 (decrements top2)
Fig 3: Push elements to stack2 (decrements top2)

4.) Pop elements to stack1 (Fig 4)

  • Pop element 3 to stack1.
    • top1 is currently pointing to index 1 (refer Fig 3).
      • Take the backup of current element i.e. 3
    • top1 will be decremented and top1 will start pointing to zeroth index of array.
    • Element 3 will be returned from pop method.
  • Similarly, we can pop the elements from stack2.
Fig 4: Pop element from Stack1
Fig 4: Pop element from Stack1

Program – create two stacks using single array in java

1.) TwoStacks Class:

  • TwoStacks class primarily has following methods:
    • push1 & push2 method will insert element to stack1 & stack2 respectively.
    • pop1 & pop2 method will remove the top element from stack1 & stack2 respectively.
    • isEmpty1 & isEmpty2 method will check, whether stack1 & stack2 is empty respectively.
    • isFull method will whether stack is full and stack1 & stack2 does not have enough space to accept any entity.
package org.learn;
import java.util.EmptyStackException;
public class TwoStacks {
    private int arr[];
    private int size;
    private int index1;
    private int index2;
    public TwoStacks(int size) {
        this.size = size;
        arr = new int[size];
        index1 = -1;
        index2 = size;
    public void push1(int element) {
        if (isFull()) {
            throw new StackOverflowError("TwoStacks is full");
        arr[++index1] = element;
    public void push2(int element) {
        if (isFull()) {
            throw new StackOverflowError("TwoStacks is full");
        arr[--index2] = element;
    public int pop1() {
        if (isEmpty1()) {
            throw new EmptyStackException();
        int element = arr[index1];
        return element;
    public int pop2() {
        if (isEmpty2()) {
            throw new EmptyStackException();
        int element = arr[index2];
        return element;
    public boolean isEmpty1() {
        if (index1 == -1) {
            return true;
        return false;
    public boolean isFull() {
        if (index1 == index2) {
            return true;
        return false;
    public boolean isEmpty2() {
        if (index2 == size) {
            return true;
        return false;

2.) StackClient:

  • StackClient class contains the main method and we are creating the instance of TwoStacks class.
  • We are pushing and popping the elements to/from stack1 & stack2.
package org.learn;
public class StackClient {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        TwoStacks twoStacks = new TwoStacks(5);
        System.out.printf("1. Pop elements from stack1 : ");
        while (!twoStacks.isEmpty1()) {
            System.out.printf(" %d", twoStacks.pop1());
        System.out.printf("\n2. Pop elements from stack2 : ");
        while (!twoStacks.isEmpty2()) {
            System.out.printf(" %d", twoStacks.pop2());

Output – create two stacks using single array in java

1. Pop elements from stack1 :  4 5
2. Pop elements from stack2 :  1 2 3