groupBy, mapping & statistics features in Java8 lambda stream (examples)

  1. Given a list of Person objects (POJOs).
  2. We would like to group person objects by their gender.
    • Group person objects by Male & Female.
  3. We will also apply mapping & statistics features on list of person objects.

1. Apply groupBy, mapping & statistics features on person POJOs

  1. Group person objects by gender i.e Male and Female
    • Get the List of person objects (Categorized by gender)
  2. Group persons by gender i.e Male and Female
    • Get the Set of person objects
  3. Group persons by gender i.e Male and Female
    • Get the  Set of names (of person) objects instead of complete person objects
  4. Count person objects by gender
    • Number of females and males in person objects
  5. Group person objects by gender and get person with max age
    • Max age of male and female persons
  6. Group person objects by gender and generate age statistics
    • Generate age statistics of person objects
    • Get avg, min and max age etc of male and female objects

2. Program – groupBy, mapping & statistics features (java8 lambda stream)

2.1.) Person Class:

  • Person POJO containing attributes of Person.
  • Apply groupBy, mapping & statistics features on person objects.
package org.learn.GroupByJava8;

public class Person {
 public String name;
 public int age;
 public String gender;
 public Person(String name, int age, String gender) { = name;
  this.age = age;
  this.gender = gender;
 public String toString() {
     return "[" + name + " " + age + " " +gender +"]";
 public String getName() {
  return name;
 public void setName(String name) { = name;
 public int getAge() {
  return age;
 public void setAge(int age) {
  this.age = age;
 public String getGender() {
  return gender;
 public void setGender(String gender) {
  this.gender = gender;

2.2 GroupByJava8 Class:

  • GroupByJava class will demonstrates the following features.
    • groupBy: We will group person objects by theirs attributes.
      1. Group person objects by genders.
    • mapping: We will map person objects to the set containing names of Person pojos etc.
    • statistics (IntSummaryStatistics):
      1. We will group person pojos by genders.
      2. We will generate age statistics of grouping (step1) like min, max or average age of male persons.

The GroupByJava8 example is as follows:

package org.learn.GroupByJava8;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.IntSummaryStatistics;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;

public class GroupByJava8
    public static void main( String[] args )
     List <Person> personList = new ArrayList<Person>();
  personList.add(new Person("Sharon", 21, "Female"));
  personList.add(new Person("Maria", 18,  "Female"));
  personList.add(new Person("Jack", 21 ,"Male"));
  personList.add(new Person("James", 35,  "Male"));  
  Map<String, List<Person>> groupByGenderList =;
  //Group by gender List : Female-> Persons and Male -> Persons
  System.out.println("1. Group persons by gender - get result in List: ");

  Map<String, Set<Person>> groupByGenderSet =,Collectors.toSet()));
  //Group by gender Set: Female-> Persons and Male -> Persons
  System.out.println("2. Group persons by gender - get result in Set: ");
  Map<String, Set<String>> groupByGenderAndFirstNameSet
        =, TreeMap::new,
          Collectors.mapping(Person::getName, Collectors.toSet())));    
  System.out.println("3. Group person by gender and get name of person - get result in Set: ");
  Map<String, Long> countPersonByGender =
  System.out.println("4. Count person objects by gender: ");

  Map<String, Optional<Person>> personByMaxAge =
  System.out.println("5. Group person objects by gender and get person with max age: ");

  Map<String, IntSummaryStatistics> groupPersonsByAge =
  System.out.println("6. Group person objects by gender and get age statistics: ");
  IntSummaryStatistics malesAge = groupPersonsByAge.get("Male");
  System.out.println("Avgerage male age:"+ malesAge.getAverage());
  System.out.println("Max male age:"+ malesAge.getMax());
  System.out.println("Min male age:"+ malesAge.getMin());

3. Output: groupBy, mapping & IntSummaryStatistics features in java8

1. Group persons by gender - get result in List: 
{Male=[[Jack 21 Male], [James 35 Male]], Female=[[Sharon 21 Female], [Maria 18 Female]]}
2. Group persons by gender - get result in Set: 
{Male=[[James 35 Male], [Jack 21 Male]], Female=[[Maria 18 Female], [Sharon 21 Female]]}
3. Group person by gender and get name of person - get result in Set: 
{Female=[Sharon, Maria], Male=[James, Jack]}
4. Count person objects by gender: 
{Male=2, Female=2}
5. Group person objects by gender and get person with max age: 
{Male=Optional[[James 35 Male]], Female=Optional[[Sharon 21 Female]]}
6. Group person objects by gender and get age statistics: 
{Male=IntSummaryStatistics{count=2, sum=56, min=21, average=28.000000, max=35}, 

Female=IntSummaryStatistics{count=2, sum=39, min=18, average=19.500000, max=21}}
Avgerage male age:28.0
Max male age:35
Min male age:21
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