Get, Add, Remove, Retain, Sort & iterate methods of arraylist collection (java/ example)

  1. ArrayList class is resizable array implementation of the List interface.
  2. ArrayList maintains the insertion order of element or string objects.
  3. ArrayList allows the duplicate elements & we can randomly access elements by index.
  4. ArrayList is not thread safe.
    • If multiple threads access an ArrayList instance concurrently, then arraylist must be synchronized externally.
  5. Given an arraylist collection, we would demonstrate the following operations on arraylist.
    • Remove
    • Add
    • Retain
    • Sort
    • Iterate
    • Get
    • Contains And
    • Clear

1. Class Hierarchy of ArrayList Collection:

Fig 1: Class hierarchy of ArrayList collection

2. Add,sort,iterate,get,contains,clear methods of arraylist (java /example)

package org.learn.collection.list.arrayList;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.ListIterator;
public class DemoArrayList {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ArrayList<String> arrayList = new ArrayList<>();
        arrayList.add("beach volleyball");
        System.out.println("1. Demo of remove methods of ArrayList: ");
        System.out.println("\n2. Demo of add methods of ArrayList: ");
        System.out.println("\n3. Demo of retain method of ArrayList: ");
        System.out.println("\n4. Sort elements of arrayList collection: ");
        System.out.println("\n5. Iterate through arrayList collection: ");
        System.out.println("\n6. Demo of get method of arraylist collection: ");
        System.out.println("Element at index 0: " + arrayList.get(0));
        System.out.println("Element at index 2: " + arrayList.get(2));
        System.out.println("\n7. Demo of contains method of arraylist collection: ");
        System.out.println("Check arraylist contains diving: " + arrayList.contains("diving"));
        System.out.println("Check arraylist contains soccer: " + arrayList.contains("archery"));
        System.out.println("\n8.Demo of clear method of arraylist collection: ");
        System.out.println("Clear arrayList: " + arrayList);
    private static void demoRemoveMethod(ArrayList<String> arrayList) {
        // [archery, badminton, canoe, boxing, diving, beach volleyball]
        System.out.println("Orignal ArrayList:" + arrayList);
        // Remove element by index
        // [badminton, canoe, boxing, diving, beach volleyball]
        System.out.println("Removed element at 0 index: " + arrayList);
        // Remove element after comparing and remove it
        // [badminton, canoe, diving, beach volleyball]
        System.out.println("Removed boxing from arrayList: " + arrayList);
        ArrayList<String> removeElementsList = new ArrayList<>();
        removeElementsList.add("beach volleyball");
        // Remove element by supplying another collection
        // [badminton]
        System.out.println("Removed collection containing canoe and diving: " + arrayList);
    private static void demoAddMethod(ArrayList<String> arrayList) {
        System.out.println("Orignal ArrayList:" + arrayList);
        arrayList.add(0, "archery");
        arrayList.add(2, "canoe");
        // [archery, badminton, canoe]
        System.out.println("Added element at 0,2 index: " + arrayList);
        // [archery, badminton, canoe, diving]
        System.out.println("Added element in list: " + arrayList);
        ArrayList<String> addElementsList = new ArrayList<>();
        // It will add elements to last of list
        // [archery, badminton, canoe, diving, squash, bowling]
        System.out.println("Added another list : " + arrayList);
        ArrayList<String> anotherList = new ArrayList<>();
        // It will add elements to last of list
        arrayList.addAll(1, anotherList);
        //[archery, golf, judo, badminton, canoe, diving, squash, bowling]
        System.out.println("Added another list at index 1 : " + arrayList);
    private static void demoRetainAll(ArrayList<String> arrayList) {
        //[archery, golf, judo, badminton, canoe, diving, squash, bowling]
        System.out.println("Orignal ArrayList:" + arrayList);
        ArrayList<String> retainSportsList = new ArrayList<>();
        // [archery, judo, badminton]
        System.out.println("Retaining elements soccer, judo and archery list: " + arrayList);
    private static void demoSortMethod(ArrayList<String> arrayList) {
        // [archery, judo, badminton]
        System.out.println("Orignal ArrayList:" + arrayList);
        //[archery, badminton, judo]
        System.out.println("Sort ascending order: " + arrayList);
        Collections.sort(arrayList, Collections.reverseOrder());
        //[judo, badminton, archery]
        System.out.println("Sort desending order: " + arrayList);
    private static void demoIterateMethod(ArrayList<String> arrayList) {
        System.out.println("Iterating using forEachRemaining:");
        // Output of for loop:
        // judo badminton archery
        arrayList.forEach(element -> System.out.printf("%s ", element));
        System.out.println("\nIterating arrayList using foreach loop:");
        // Output of for loop:
        // judo badminton archery
        for (String element : arrayList) {
            System.out.printf("%s ", element);
        System.out.println("\nIterating arrayList using iterator:");
        ListIterator<String> listIterator = arrayList.listIterator();
        // Output of while loop:
        // judo badminton archery
        while (listIterator.hasNext()) {
            System.out.printf("%s ",;

3. Add,sort,iterate,get,contains,clear methods of arraylist (java /example)

1. Demo of remove methods of ArrayList:
Orignal ArrayList:[archery, badminton, canoe, boxing, diving, beach volleyball]
Removed element at 0 index: [badminton, canoe, boxing, diving, beach volleyball]
Removed boxing from arrayList: [badminton, canoe, diving, beach volleyball]
Removed collection containing canoe and diving: [badminton]
2. Demo of add methods of ArrayList:
Orignal ArrayList:[badminton]
Added element at 0,2 index: [archery, badminton, canoe]
Added element in list: [archery, badminton, canoe, diving]
Added another list : [archery, badminton, canoe, diving, squash, bowling]
Added another list at index 1 : [archery, golf, judo, badminton, canoe, diving, squash, bowling]
3. Demo of retain method of ArrayList:
Orignal ArrayList:[archery, golf, judo, badminton, canoe, diving, squash, bowling]
Retaining elements soccer, judo and archery list: [archery, judo, badminton]
4. Sort elements of arrayList of ArrayList:
Orignal ArrayList:[archery, judo, badminton]
Sort ascending order: [archery, badminton, judo]
Sort desending order: [judo, badminton, archery]
5. Iterate through arrayList collection:
Iterating using forEachRemaining:
judo badminton archery
Iterating arrayList using foreach loop:
judo badminton archery
Iterating arrayList using iterator:
judo badminton archery
6. Demo of get method of arraylist collection:
Element at index 0: judo
Element at index 2: archery
7. Demo of contains method of arraylist collection:
Check arraylist contains diving: false
Check arraylist contains soccer: true
8.Demo of clear method of arraylist collection:
Clear arrayList: []