Find sum of all digits of given number/Integer (java /example)

Problem Statement ?

  • Given a number or integer in java, we would like to calculate the sum of all digits.


  • Example 1:
    • If input number is 299.
    • So, Sum of all digits of integer is 2 + 9 + 9 = 20
  • Example 2:
    • If input integer is 1234
    • Sum of all digits of given number is 1+2+3+4 = 10
  • We will read the input integer from console using Scanner class.
    • We have used try-with-resource statement, so that Scanner can be closed automatically.

Program: calculate Sum of all digits of integer in java

package org.learn;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class SumOfDigits {
    private static int sum(int number) {
        int sumOfAllDigits = 0;
        while(number > 0) {
            sumOfAllDigits = sumOfAllDigits + number % 10;
            number = number / 10;
        return sumOfAllDigits;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try(Scanner scanner = new Scanner( {
            System.out.print("Enter the input number: ");
            int input  = scanner.nextInt();
            System.out.println("Sum of all digits is : "+ sum(input));

Output: sum of all digits of integer/number in Java

Enter the input number: 299
Sum of all digits is : 20