Farmer, fox, goose & bean bag (river crossing puzzle/ logical problem)

1. Problem Statement or Puzzle:

  • Farmer standing on the bank of river and want to cross the river.
    • Boat has capacity of 2
    • In a given time, farmer can carry any one of fox, goose or bag of beans.
  • If fox left behind with goose then fox would eat the goose
  • If goose left behind with beans then goose would eat the beans.
  • How farmer will carry fox, goose and bag of beans across the river?

2. Other flavors of river crossing puzzle:

  • Farmer, Fox, Chicken and Corn puzzle.
  • Man, Wolf, Goat and Cabbage puzzle
  • Panther, Pig and Porridge puzzle etc.

3. Solution of farmer, fox, goose & bean bag puzzle :

  • Farmers takes goose across the river.
    • Farmer returns back.
  • Farmer carries fox across the river.
    • Farmer returns back with goose.
  • Farmer carry beans bag across the river.
    • Farmer returns back.
  • Farmer carry goose across the river.
  • Every one is across the river.

Similarly, we can solve other flavors of puzzle.