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Core Java Beginner Tutorials:
Number System Problems:
- Swap two numbers in java using third or temporary variable (example)
- Reverse number – Leet Code Challenge
- Program to convert binary number to decimal (java api, iterative & recursive)
- Program to check given input number is even or odd in java (example)
- Convert decimal to hexadecimal – java api, iterative & recursive
- Convert hexadecimal to decimal – java api, iterative & recursive
- Find factorial of number in java – recursive & iterative (example)
- Find LCM of two numbers using GCD in java (example)
- Find number of consecutive 1’s in a binary number in java (example)
- Find sum of all digits of given number/Integer (java /example)
- GCD of two numbers Euclidean algorithm in java (iterative/ recursive)
- Generate/ print fibonacci series in java – recursive & iterative (example)
- Program to calculate simple interest (Java & Example)
- Convert decimal number to Octal – (java api, iterative & recursive)
- Convert decimal number to hexdecimal – (java api, iterative & recursive)
- Convert decimal number to binary – (java api, iterative & recursive)
- Check whether given integer number is prime or not in java (example)
- Check integer number is positive, negative, zero in java (example)
- Check given number is palindrome using java (non-recursive/example)
- Calculate power of integer number in java (example)
- Swap two numbers without using third or temporary variable in java
- Program to add two binary numbers in java (example)
String Manipulation Problems:
- Program to convert String to Double in java (example)
- Program to convert String to Float in java (example)
- Convert String variable to Long in java (example)
- Program to print duplicate characters in String (Java8 /Example)
- Program to convert char to string in java (Character, String class)
- Program to convert String to char & char array in java
- Program to convert char array to string (Java Stream, StringBuilder, String)
- Convert String variable to Integer in java (example)
- Convert String object to lower case & upper case in java (example)
- Reverse each word of a string using StringBuilder in java (example)
- Reverse string word by word in java (stack/ stringbuilder /example)
- Java API, recursive & iterative algorithm to reverse string (example)
- Join or concatenate or combine multiple strings in java (example)
- Program to count & print vowels, consonant in String (java /example)
- Program to sort array of strings – Java 8 Lambda Stream
Basic Geometry Problems:
- Find area & perimeter of a square in java (with example)
- Find area of triangle (three sides) using hero formula ( java & example)
- Find area of triangle using base & height in java (example)
- Find area & perimeter of rectangle in java (with example)
- Given radius, find area & circumference of circle in java (example)
Beginner Problems
- Create or implement FizzBuzz game program in java (with example)
- Write or redirect console output to a file & again reset to standard output in java
- Write or redirect standard output error stream to a file in java
What’s new in Java?
- Key Features & Enhancements in Java Versions (Release wise)
- Comprehensive Guide: Exploring the Exciting New Features of Java 17
Java 8 – Tutorials:
- Read a file line by line using java 8 lambda stream
- Java 8 Functional interface explained with examples (Comparator)
- Create Runnable task using functional interface
- Impact of interface’s default method on multiple inheritance
- Join or combine two / multiple Strings using StringJoiner
- Find object from ArrayList of objects using lambda stream
- Search String in ArrayList collection – stream lambda
- Sort objects on multiple fields /properties – Comparator interface (lambda stream)
- Filter/Remove null & empty string from Array – lambda stream
- Filter/remove null element/String from ArrayList of objects – lambda stream
- Convert heterogeneous object into another – stream lambda
- Convert list of objects to /from map in java 8 lambda stream
- groupBy, mapping & statistics features in Java8 lambda stream
- Primitive streams example in java8 (IntStream, LongStream, DoubleStream)
Java Concurrency Framework Tutorials:
Threads Basics
- What are threads (Real world analogy) ?
- Create threads using runnable interface & thread class
- Create runnable task using functional interface
- Thread join example using Runnable interface in java
Thread Pools:
- Create fixed thread pool in java using Executors
- Create single thread pool using executor in java
- Create custom thread pool in java without executor framework
Thread Synchronization:
- Producer & Consumer (Wait notify example)
- Deadlock in multi-threading (concurrency)
- CountDownLatch
- Synchronize resources using Semaphore
- Synchronize resources using ReentrantLock
- Inter thread communication in java (PipedInputStream /PipedOutputStream)
Java Exception and Error Tutorials:
- What is difference between error & exception in java ?
- What is difference between throw, throws & Throwable in java ?
- Generate Out of memory error in java
- Difference between checked & unchecked exception (class hierarchy)
- Simulate unchecked exceptions in java
- try with resources & AutoCloseable java 7
- Catch multiple exceptions before & after java 7
- Create custom or user defined unchecked exception
- User defined custom Runtime/Unchecked exception
Java Security:
- Configured JCA/JCE Provider execution order (Java Security)
- List configured JCE/JCA Providers in Java Runtime (Security)
- Install Bouncy Castle Provider by configuring Java Runtime
- Base64 Encode decode URL/URI string in Java 8
- Base64 withoutPadding Encoding of string or byte array (Java8)
- Base64 Encode & Decode of password string or byte array (Java8)
- Encrypt Decrypt message using AES-128 CBC in java (with example)
Java File Input Output (IO) operations:
Basic File IO Operations
- Create new file & directory
- Create temporary file
- Recursively list all files present in directory
- List all directories of input path using scope operator & file filter in java
- Recursively list all files & folders of input directory
- Read file line by line using java 8 lambda stream
- Convert local file path to URL & URI
- Check read, write, execute permission & hidden attribute of file
- List system drive & their total, free, used space
- Write standard output error stream to a file in java
- Write console output to a file & again reset to standard output in java
Scanner Class:
Zip & Unzip file
- Zip contents of directory
- Zip contents of directory & sub-directories recursively
- List contents of compressed or zipped file
BufferReader & BufferWriter
- Read write file
- Read & write file using Non Blocking IO
- Read & Write UTF contents
- Read & write UTF file using (Non Blocking IO)
InputStreamReader & OutputStreamWriter:
FileInputStream & FileOutputStream
Other File Streams:
- Read & Write file using CharArrayReader & CharArrayWriter
- File read write IO operation using StringWriter & StringReader
- Write file using PrintWriter
- Inter thread communication using PipedInputStream & PipedOutputStream
Java Reflection Tutorials:
- Get all fields or data members of class
- List all methods or functions of class
- Print public/protected/private constructors of class
- List public methods or functions of class
- Find out class name of an object at Runtime
- Find type of objects at Runtime using instanceof operator
- Create object or instance of class by name using Class.forName