Convert binary tree to mirror/symmetric tree in java (recursive /example)

  • Given a binary tree, convert a tree into mirror binary tree using depth first search or recursive algorithm.
  • Create symmetric (or mirror image) binary tree using post order traversal..
example binary mirror tree
Fig 1: Example of binary trees (one or two children)

Examples – Convert binary tree to mirror or symmetric tree (recursive)

Example 1: Mirror binary tree having right child in java

  • Given a binary tree having left child node only (refer Fig 2).
    • Node C is left child of Node A.
  • Mirror binary tree, will have right child node only.
    • Node C become right child of Node A.
mirror binary tree left subtree
Fig 2: Binary tree with left child node

Example 2: Symmetric binary tree having left child (recursive)

  • Given a binary tree having right child node only (refer Fig 3).
    • Node C is right child of Node A.
  • Symmetric binary tree, will have left child node only.
    • Node C become left child of Node A.
symmetric binary tree right subtree
Fig 3: Binary tree with right child node

Example 3: image binary tree having left & right child (recursive).

  • Given a binary tree having left & right child node (refer Fig 4).
    • Node B is left child of Node A.
    • Node C is right child of Node A.
  • Mirror binary tree, will have left & right nodes swapped.
    • Node B becomes right child of Node A.
    • Node C becomes left child of Node A.
mirror image binary tree
Fig 4: Symmetric tree having left & right node

Algorithm: convert binary tree into mirror binary tree in java

examples symmetric image
Fig 5: Binary Tree & Mirror (Symmetric) Tree
  • Perform post order traversal of given binary tree (Root node A).
  • Traverse left subtree i.e. Node B
    • Traverse left subtree i.e. Node D
      • Swap left (null) & right child (null) node.
      • Swap will have no impact & return from here.
    • Traverse right subtree i.e Node E
      • Swap child nodes & return
    • Swap left child (D) & right child (E)
  • Traverse right subtree i.e. Node C
    • Traverse left subtree left i.e. Node F
      • Swap child nodes & return
    • Post order traversal for right child G
      • Swap child nodes & return
    • Swap left child (F) and right child (G)
  • Swap left (B) and right child (C)
  • We have successfully generated the mirror binary tree.

Time complexity of algorithm will be O(n).

Program – convert binary tree to mirror or image or symmetric tree in java

1.) MirrorTree Class:

  • MirrorTree class is responsible for converting binary tree to symmetric binary tree.
  • Traverse the binary trees using depth first search recursive algorithm.
  package org.learn.Question;

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Queue;

public class MirrorTree {
	public static void mirrorTree(Node root) {
		if(null == root) {
		Node swapNode = root.left;
		root.left = root.right;
		root.right = swapNode;
	public static void printTree(Node root) {
		if (root == null) {
			System.out.println("Tree is empty");
			return ;
		Queue queue = new LinkedList();
		while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
			Node node = queue.poll();			
			System.out.printf(" %d",;		
			if (node.left != null) {
			if (node.right != null) {

2.) Node Class:

  • Node class is representing the nodes of  a binary tree.
package org.learn.Question;

public class Node {
	public int data;
	public Node left;
	public Node right;

	public Node(int num) { = num;
		this.left = null;
		this.right = null;

	public Node() {
		this.left = null;
		this.right = null;
	public static Node createNode(int number) {
		return new Node(number);

3.) App Class: 

  • We are creating a binary tree in main method.
  • We are calling method of MirrorTree  class to convert binary tree into mirror binary tree.
  • We will print the binary trees using level order traversal.
package org.learn.Client;

import org.learn.Question.MirrorTree;
import org.learn.Question.Node;

public class App {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		// root level 0
		Node A = Node.createNode(55);
		// Level 1
		Node B = Node.createNode(50);
		Node C = Node.createNode(40);
		// Level 2
		Node D = Node.createNode(25);
		Node E = Node.createNode(80);
		Node F = Node.createNode(45);
		Node G = Node.createNode(90);

		// connect Level 0 and 1
		A.left = B;
		A.right = C;
		// connect level 1 and level 2
		B.left = D;
		B.right = E;
		C.left = F;
		C.right = G;
		System.out.println("Binary Tree");
		System.out.println("Mirror Binary Tree");

Output – mirror or Symmetric binary tree in java (Fig 5):

Binary Tree : 
55 50 40 25 80 45 90 
Mirror Binary Tree : 
55 40 50 90 45 80 25 

Download code – convert mirror image of binary tree (recursive)


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