Check given binary tree is binary search tree (java/ recursive/ examples)

  • Given a binary tree, check whether given binary tree is binary search tree or not.
    • Traverse the binary tree using depth first search (DFS) recursive algorithm.
  • What is binary search tree (bst) ?
    • Left child of binary tree is less than its parent node
      • e.g. Node B is less than Node A (Fig 1).
    • Right child of binary tree is greater than its parent node.
      • e.g. Node C is greater than Node A (Fig 1).
    • Binary Tree will be binary search tree, if above properties holds good for every node in a binary tree.
check binary search tree
Fig 1: Check binary tree is BST

Algorithm: check given binary tree is binary search tree in java

  • Node A is root of binary tree.
  • Node B is less than Node A
    • Check left & right child of node B
      • Node D is less than Node B
      • Node E is greater than Node E
  • Node C is greater the Node A
    • Similarly verify the properties with children of Node C.
  • Above algorithm should suffice to check whether binary tree is BST.

Optimized algorithm to check given binary tree is binary search tree

  • At every non leaf node, check the possible value ranges
  • Node A can have value ranging from Integer.MIN_VALUE to  Integer.Max_Value
    • So, there is no restriction of value for root node of BST.
  • What are the possible values of Node B?
    • Node B is left child of Root A
    • Node B can have any value that is less than A (i.e. <50)
  • What are the possible values of Node C?
    • Node C is right child of Root A
    • Node C can have any value that is greater than A (i.e. >50)
  • What will be possible value for Node F?
    • As F is left child Node C and it can have value less than Node C (i.e. <60)
    • Can we know what is minimum it can have?
    • Yes, It can hold all values greater than Node A and less than Node C
      • Node F > Node A & Node F < Node C
  • What will be possible value range for Node E?
    • Similar to Node F, Its range will be:Node E > Node B and Node E < Node A

Examples: check binary tree is binary search tree using recursive algorithm

Example 1: Check given binary tree is binary search tree

range value node BST
Fig 2: Value at every non leaf node

The above binary tree is binary search tree, as every node within its specified range.

Example 2: Given binary tree is not binary search tree.

  • We have modified value Node H of Fig 2. We changed it to 90.
  • We can see that Node H is less than Node F.
    • It should be greater than Node A value (as it on right side A).
  • Its violation of BST properties.
  • Binary tree is not a BST.
Binary tree not BST
Fig 3: Binary tree not BST

Time Complexity of algorithm is O(n).

Program – Check given binary tree is binary search tree in java

1.) IsBST Class:

  • IsBST class check whether given binary tree is binary search tree or not.
  • Traverse the binary tree using recursive algorithm.
package org.learn.Question;
import org.learn.PrepareTree.Node;
public class IsBST {
    public static boolean isBST(Node node) {
        return IsBST.isBST(node, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
    private static boolean isBST(Node node, int min, int max) {
        if (node == null)
            return true;
        if ( < min || > max)
            return false;
        boolean isLeft = isBST(node.left, min,;
        if (!isLeft)
            return isLeft;
        boolean isRight = isBST(node.right,, max);
        if (!isRight)
            return isRight;
        return true;

2.) Node Class:

  • Node class representing the node of a binary tree.
package org.learn.PrepareTree;
public class Node {
    public int data;
    public Node left;
    public Node right;
    public Node(int num) { = num;
        this.left = null;
        this.right = null;
    public Node() {
        this.left = null;
        this.right = null;
    public static Node createNode(int number) {
        return new Node(number);

3.) App class:

  • We are creating binary tree in a main method.
  • We are calling method of IsBST class, to check given binary tree is binary search tree (or not).
package org.learn.Client;
import org.learn.PrepareTree.Node;
import org.learn.Question.IsBST;
public class App
    public static void main( String[] args )
       //root level 0
       Node A = Node.createNode(100);
       //Level 1
       Node B = Node.createNode(50);
       Node C = Node.createNode(150);
       //Level 2
       Node D = Node.createNode(25);
       Node E = Node.createNode(75);
       Node F = Node.createNode(125);
       Node G = Node.createNode(175);
       //Level 3
       Node H = Node.createNode(120);
       Node I = Node.createNode(140);
       Node J = Node.createNode(160);
       Node K = Node.createNode(190);
       //connect Level 0 and 1
       A.left  = B;
       A.right = C;
       //connect level 1 and level 2
       B.left  = D;
       B.right = E;
       C.left  = F;
       C.right = G;
       //Connect level 2 and level 3
       F.left  = H;
       F.right = I;
       G.left  = J;
       G.right = K;
       if(IsBST.isBST(A)) {
           System.out.println("Binary Tree is binary search tree");;
       } else {
           System.out.println("Binary Tree is not binary search tree");
       Node H1 = Node.createNode(90);
       F.left  = H1;
       if(IsBST.isBST(A)) {
           System.out.println("Binary Tree is binary search tree");;
       } else {
           System.out.println("Binary Tree is not binary search tree");

Output – check given binary tree is BST in java (Fig 2 & Fig 3)

Binary Tree is binary search tree
Binary Tree is not binary search tree

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