Level Order Traversal or Breadth First Search (BFS):

  1. Binary tree traversal โ€“ Level Order Traversal  or Breadth First Search Algorithm (BFS) 
  2. Find level in binary tree having maximum sum
  3. Find sum of nodes in binary tree
  4. Find height of binary tree
  5. Find number of nodes or size of binary tree 
  6. Count non-leaf nodes (left & right child) in binary tree
  7. Count non leaf nodes in binary tree having one child node
  8. Count non leaf nodes in binary tree
  9. Find number of leaf nodes in a binary tree
  10. Find maximum/ largest element in a binary tree
  11. Check leaf nodes of binary tree are at same level
  12. Find level of given node in binary tree
  13. Find maximum width of binary tree
  14. Spiral or Zigzag binary tree traversal
  15. Print binary tree in reverse order

Depth First Search Algorithm:

  1. Binary tree traversal algorithm (preOrder /postOrder/inOrder)
  2. Find number of nodes or size of binary tree
  3. Find diameter of binary tree
  4. Find minimum & maximum element in binary tree
  5. Find height of binary tree in java
  6. Delete all nodes of a binary tree in java
  7. Find root to leaf path sum equals given number binary tree
  8. Find maximum sum in root to leaf path in binary tree
  9. Print vertical order traversal of binary tree
  10. Find vertical order sum in a binary tree
  11. Connect nodes at same level (set next sibling) in a binary tree
  12. LCA (Lowest common ancestor) in a binary tree
  13. Print ancestors of node in a binary tree
  14. Print paths from root to leaf nodes in binary tree
  15. Print nodes at k distance from root in binary tree
  16. Print nodes K distance from leaf nodes in a binary tree
  17. Check two binary trees are equal or identical or same
  18. Check given binary trees are Isomorphic
  19. Check binary tree is Quasi-Isomorphic of other tree
  20. Check given binary tree is mirror or symmetric tree
  21. Convert binary tree to mirror/symmetric tree
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